Uneeq ebooks

What are digital humans?

Digital humans are the only technology today that combines the emotional connection of speaking with a real person with the speed and scale of AI.


Digital human technology is on course to become a major technology before the end of the decade. According to Gartner:

By 2026, half of B2B buyers will interact with a digital human in the buyer's journey.

By 2027, the majority of CMOs in B2C businesses will have a dedicated budget for digital human metaverse experiences.

By 2035, the digital human economy will be a $125 billion market.

This guide aims to demystify digital humans as they exist today, by explaining the basics: what they are, what they do, and who employes them.

What’s inside?

Some of the insights in our eBook include:

Foreword from Danny Tomsett, UneeQ Founder and CEO

What is a digital human

What are the advantages of digital humans

Interacting with digital humans

What do you users think

Which brands employ digital humans today

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